IT Evaluation & Assessment
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
Consult our experts. We are happy to support you.
The Information Security Automation Program (ISAP), a U.S. government initiative to enable automation and standardization of technical security operations, combined a number of open standards used to enumerate software flaws and configuration issues to create the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP).
What atsec offers:
atsec US offers SCAP testing, evaluation, and validation support for products and modules through its accredited Cryptographic Security Testing (CST) laboratory (NVLAP Lab Code #200658-0):
- Laboratory conformance testing using NIST test suites
- Training for SCAP 1.3 requirements
- Assessment of test readiness
- Verification that an application does not change any SCAP 1.3 relevant settings
- Support for NIST validation of SCAP 1.3 testing
Authoritative websites:
More information:
Why our services are important to you:
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires the use of SCAP validated scanners for the automation of federal desktop configuration management and compliance verification. Agencies and other organizations can automate much of their Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) technical security control compliance activities by regularly scanning information technology assets using SCAP checklists.
Further information for your certification journey.

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Common Criteria Evaluation
The Common Criteria (CC), also known as ISO 15408, is an internationally recognized standard used to specify and assess the security of IT products.
Cryptographic Algorithm Testing
Testing that cryptographic algorithms are implemented correctly is a prerequisite for FIPS 140-3 cryptographic module testing and NIAP Common Criteria evaluations.
FIPS 140-3 Testing
FIPS 140-3 specifies requirements related to securely designing and implementing cryptographic modules, and compliance is increasingly mandatory worldwide.
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