atsec information security
Identity Services
Trust services and digital ID management for government employees and private citizens used worldwide.
NIST Personal Identity Verification Program (NPIVP) Testing
The FIPS 201 standard defines the requirements for personal identification verification (PIV) products issued by U.S. Federal departments and agencies. Through its accreditation as a NIST PIV testing laboratory, atsec US offers conformance testing for PIV applets and middleware.
eIDAS Trust Service Provider Assessments
The eIDAS Regulation defines requirements for Trust Service Providers (TSP) and their systems providing Qualified Trust Services which are used to ensure citizen electronic IDs are secure and trustworthy. atsec is a recognized test laboratory under eIDAS.
FIDO, short for “Fast IDentity Online”, is a series of authentication standards that help reduce reliance on passwords. atsec China’s security laboratory is accredited by the FIDO Alliance.
Your partner for Electronic Identity Assessments
atsec information security provides testing services for NIST Personal Identity Verification Program (NPIVP), ensuring compliance with FIPS 201 standards for U.S. Federal identification products. We also offer eIDAS Trust Service Provider Assessments, meeting EU requirements for electronic ID systems and Qualified Trust Services. Additionally, atsec China is an accredited lab for FIDO, supporting secure, passwordless authentication standards.

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