The International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC) 2022
ICCC was back in person, and better than ever!
BSI approves core security functions of iPhone and iPad
We want to draw your attention to the following publication issued by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI): https://www.bsi.bund.de/DE/Service-Navi/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/Presse2022/221005_Apple_Sicherheitsfunktionen.html In a nutshell for the non-German readers, the article states that Apple has agreed to an independent evaluation of the core security functions of iOS and iPadOS…
atsec at the International Common Criteria Conference 2022 in Toledo, Spain
The 21st International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC 2022) will be held from November 15 to 17, 2022, in Toledo, Spain. As always, atsec information security looks forward to opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas with our peers in Common Criteria and in the IT security community alike. After…
atsec at the (virtual) International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC) 2021
atsec participated in ICCC 2021 from October 19th to 20th, which was held as a fully virtualized conference the second year in a row due to the worldwide pandemic. While we appreciate to have the opportunity to exchange new information as well as give and receive presentations in…
Do Remote Site Visits Work?
While the home office has become a normality for many IT companies and operations during the pandemic, the requirements for security evaluation, certifications, accreditations, and other approvals have remained constant. Site visits at the development sites are required to achieve the approval of certification and accreditation. How could…
atsec at the (virtual) International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC) 2020
atsec participated in ICCC 2020 from November 16th through 18th, which for the first time had to be held fully virtualized due to the worldwide pandemic. The ICCC used the same conference platform as for the ICMC 2020. In addition to attending the ICCC 2020, a number of…
atsec at the International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC) 2019
atsec participated in ICCC 2019 held in Singapore from October 1st to 3rd in conjunction with Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW). It was the perfect venue to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Common Criteria standard with an increase of the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA) membership from…
atsec adds Singaporean Common Criteria Scheme accreditation
atsec is pleased to announce that it has been licensed by CSA to be a Common Criteria Testing lab (CCTL) under the Singapore Common Criteria Scheme (SCCS). Please check the Common Criteria Portal:https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/labs/index.cfm as well the Singapore Common Criteria Scheme:https://www.csa.gov.sg/our-programmes/certification-and-labelling-schemes/singapore-common-criteria-scheme/approved-labs atsec is already operating Common Criteria labs under…
A Multi-Level Model for Common Criteria Certificate Maintenance
by Trang Huynh I had the privilege of being on a discussion panel at the NIAP Validator Workshop this past June. The topic for the panel was “Continuous Software Update,” and the issue we were trying to tackle was Common Criteria (CC) evaluations for products with a high…