atsec’s Rome office is accredited by OCSI for Common Criteria evaluations
atsec is pleased to announce that the atsec Rome office has been accredited by the Italian scheme, OCSI, for performing Common Criteria evaluations. This is in addition to the accreditations by the Italian security agency, OCSI of our atsec laboratories in the U.S., Germany and Sweden. Garibaldi Conte:…
China, Shanghai—From June 19th to 20th, Visa held the Asia Pacific Security Summit in Shanghai, China. During the “Ecosystem Data Security Workshop” on the 19th, Diana Greenhaw, VISA’s Vice President of Global Payment System Risk, gave a speech on “Ecosystem Risk Updates—A Global Perspective”. As one of the…
International Women’s Day
Happy International Women’s Day to all our wonderful atsec colleagues in Europe, US and Asia.
Automated Cryptographic Validation Protocol (ACVP) support from atsec
atsec is proud to present support for the NIST ACVP testing framework which replaces the legacy NIST CAVS testing. Cryptographic algorithm validation program (CAVP) testing is required for cryptographic modules undergoing conformance testing and validation according to the FIPS 140-2 specification. It is also required for Common Criteria evaluations performed in…
NDcPP v2.1 has been published
The Network International Technical Community (iTC) published the Network Device Collaborative Protection Profile (NDcPP) version 2.1. This is the latest update to the NDcPP series of cPPs. Vendors looking to perform a NIAP evaluation using this cPP will need to wait until NIAP approves the new version. In…
SP 800-56B and RSAES-PKCS1-v1.5 Update
Near the end of 2017, NIAP issued and later retracted Labgram #106. This Labgram warned that RSAES-PKCS1-v1.5 would be disallowed by NIST after 2017 which meant that it would also be disallowed by NIAP after 2017 in CC evaluations. The reason for the retraction was because NIST delayed…
atsec partners with major retail outlets for provision of security assurance
In a major announcement, atsec information security announces the establishment of partnerships with major retail outlets around the world, in a bid to provide more convenient provision of security assurance to users of commercial IT products. Users of commercial off the shelf products purchased through major retail outlets…
A giant leap for mankind?
Oh boy!!! Yet another year has gone by and we are celebrating International Women’s Day again. This year the theme is “Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives”. I must say that working in atsec has always been free of the worries about gender inequality that…